Ansergy Product Update


Effective today, all of our “Beta” upgrades are now live, and the old versions have been removed from the website.

List of Changes

  • Forecast moved to Execution Tools
    • The new forecast has many changes, and those will be identified in a separate post.
    • Any bookmarks that referenced the old forecasts will fail; contact Bill or Garrett to have those remade.
  • APT – new software, this model is now run out of a C++ platform which provides for more complexity and faster run times. We are in the process of moving the ap to the Linux web server to further enhance the speed.
  • Sensitivity Tests
    • The new forecast model is much faster; we can now conduct an accurate dispatch for each of our tests.
    • The model performs 20 tests
      • 10 Temperature (-20, -15….+15, +20 degrees)
      • 10 Net Demand (-5000 MW, -4000 MW….+4000 MW, +5000 MW)

Contact us if you need help finding a report, setting up bookmarks/dashboards, or just want some quick training.