STP Update

Good Morning,


Energy Scorecard

  • November – Up 297 aMW
  • December – Down 47 aMW
  • January – Down 441 aMW
  • February – Up 486 aMW

November continues to build with an additional 297 aMW thrown into the forecast, bringing the new monthly projection to its highest level of the year.  December lost another 47 aMW, a little more than staying flat, but January continues its freefall with 441 aMW wiped from the forecast.  This cut brings the three-week total to 1,428 aMW.  February on the other hand reversed its trend with 486 aMW added.


The majority of November’s 297 aMW comes in over the next 10 days before waning off by the beginning of December.  January’s cuts prominently show themselves beginning in the second week before growing as large as 600 aMW in the last week.  February shows growth beginning on the 3rd day and sustains it throughout the month.

Year on Year

November and December continue to pace behind all other charted years while January lost ground over 2016.  February now trails just 2014 after adding 486 aMW to the forecast.

