STP Update

Good Afternoon,


Energy Scorecard

  • June – Up 371 aMW
  • July – Down 80 aMW
  • August – Down 1,014 aMW
  • Sept – Up 113 aMW
  • Oct – Up 1,118 aMW

There are just four and a half days left in June, but enough to still impact the forecast by 371 aMW.  July was basically flat with a cut of just 80 aMW, while August took a massive hit after staying flat last week.  There was also apparently enough data trickling in for October to rise an even larger 1,118 aMW.


The last few days of June increased across the board, no surprise there as the Monthly report indicated.  July had a net-loss but that came to be after aggregating an increase in the beginning of the month with a slightly larger decrease from the 20th on.  The cut that began in July was extended through the first week of September, causing the large overall reduction to August.  October on the other had increases through the entirety of the month.

Year on Year

June should have no problem finishing well ahead of ’15 and ’16, while July and August fell further behind ’13 and ’14.  September added enough to pace above each of the previous four years.

